SEO Optimization taking Google Hummingbird First Priority Part 1



The indecisive nature of every SEO expert is just obvious on How to optimize Now! as the ultimate search engine, Google has posted out a brand new algorithmic data update, which referred to as the Google Hummingbird. Certainly Google’s latest concern or It’s a whole new algorithmic program is focusing long term keywords, following Google panda & Google penguin algorithms. When talking about the Google panda, affected the websites that contained duplicate content or bad ratio of keywords, but in case of hummingbird ‘long keyword’ is that the main focus. The hummingbird thoughtful concern is to supply quality and relevant content that gives additional depth to the users instead of simply search terms. Basically an attempt to supply informative, effective and quicker web guides, solutions to the users.

– See more at: SEO Optimization taking Google Hummingbird First Priority Part 1

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